Cape Town Cycle Tour has joined with five leading mass participation races around the globe to form the World Association of Cycling Events (WACE), organisers have announced in Rome.

Back row Left to Right – David Bellairs (Cape Town Cycle Tour), Matteo Gerevini (WACE General Secretary), Andy Gould (TD Five Boro Bike Tour, New York)
Front row Left to Right – Gianluca Santili ( Granfondo Campagnolo Roma), Hugh Brasher – WACE President (Ride London), Eva-Lena Frick (Vatternrundan, Sweden)
WACE, which attracts more than 200 000 riders from 90 countries in total each year, is on a mission to promote and grow cycling worldwide.
For more news see: Cape Town Cycle Tour (Cape Argus)
The South African cycle tour, which is the world’s largest timed cycling event, will partner with the TD Five Boro Bike Tour in the USA, Vatternrundan in Sweden, L’Etape du Tour in France, RideLondon in the UK and Granfondo Campagnolo Roma in Italy.
RideLondon is the world’s largest cycling festival, with almost 100 000 participants, while the TD Five Boro Bike Tour (USA), the only closed road mass participation cycling event in New York City.
Vatternrundan has the distinction of being the longest and oldest mass participation cycling event worldwide, while the French tour covers a stage of the Tour de France, and the Italian event starts in front of the iconic Colosseum.
Aside from the Big Six, other major rides are set to join WACE in the near future.
CTCT director David Bellairs said the event was proud to be one of the founding members.
“Being able to share ideas and knowledge with best in class event organisers globally can only lead to better experiences for those participating.
“It is wonderful that as a result of the international reach of WACE, more cyclists from all over the world will now get to learn about and discover other events in countries from afar afield as South Africa.”
WACE executive director Matteo Gerevini said the events were not just for serious riders.
“Our events cover every aspect of cycling, from a ride in a city like New York to an incredibly tough experience in the French Alps.”
A WACE Challenge for riders who take part in multiple events is also on the cards.